The home is the first learning center for children. An atmosphere of love and care undergird the processes of healthy growth and development. While others may assist in teaching and learning, the first and primary teachers of children are their parents...
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There are many ways in which parents can both structure learning as well as support learning through their active involvement and in creating a conducive atmosphere in the home.
Homeschooling has been around for many years and is growing in popularity. For some parents, homeschooling may be the best fit for their children’s educational needs because of the ability to customize the curriculum and learning experiences to best fit each child within the unique family dynamics. It may seem like a daunting task, but many who have pursued this avenue of teaching their children are blessed and pleased with the results.
How can a parent discover what is involved in homeschooling their children? There are a few ways to do this.
Become familiar with homeschooling. Visit the HSLDA website for general information about homeschooling and to find homeschool groups near you.
Talk with other parents who have homeschooled their children. How has this worked for them? How did they structure it? What curriculum have they used?
Get to know your state’s homeschool laws. Visit the HSLDA website for legal support and understanding state requirements.
Find a Christian homeschool association near you and attend one of their meetings. These annual meetings will typically have workshops to assist parents in teaching their children and have curriculum options and other resources available to evaluate.
Considering your child’s learning preference, your teaching style, and your educational approach, find your child’s curriculum. Parents can select curriculum and design learning experiences in a way that fits best with their children. Parents can also select curriculum that aligns with their Christian faith, include Bible classes, and integrate faith into all their children’s learning. Visit Cathy Duffy Reviews for a comprehensive list and analysis of available homeschool curriculum.
Decide where in your home or at other locations you will homeschool. Create your unique homeschool schedule.
Finally, consider extra-curricular options such as visits to museums, historical sites, nature areas, and organizations that provide physical education, sports, arts, and other activities for homeschool families.
Generally, to get started, parents must submit an instructional plan to their local/district school committee or superintendent. The HSLDA website gives guidance for each state and samples of communications and instructional plans.
In some localities, public or private schools may have a way of supporting homeschool families. There may be opportunity to participate in physical education or in school plays. Depending on the values and atmosphere of the school, parent-teachers will need to decide if this is a good option for their students.