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Writer's pictureChris Reeves

Teaching in the Sanctuary of the Home

God is restoring in families the biblical pathways of teaching children. He is restoring the foundation of His ways in the hearts and minds of parents and teachers—something that can be passed on from generation to generation, to all the families of the earth.

Jesus tells us that everything written in Scripture will find its fulfillment. Not one promise or command will pass away until all is fulfilled (Matt 5:18). Peter also prophesied there will be periods of time when God would restore and establish “all things spoken through the mouth of His holy prophets from ancient time” (Acts 3:21).

In this day God is restoring the role of godly families as His image bearers—as stewards of His presence and keepers of His word. His design for families is seen in the account of creation when God created male and female in His image and likeness. His design is also seen in the calling of Abraham and in the establishing of the nation of Israel. According to God’s original plan every family was to belong to Him as a kingdom of priests. As a Father, God would dwell with His people and teach them. They would center their families around His presence and His word, teaching and imparting to the next generations all they had received from the Lord.

The home is intended to be a sanctuary where the presence of God abides. For when two or three are gathered in the name of Jesus, there His presence is promised (Matt 18:20). In the sanctuary of the home, parents take on the nature of our great High Priest. They learn and keep God’s word. They minister to their families with love. They lay down their own lives for each other (Eph 5:25). They intercede for their families, help them in times of need, and lead them into the presence of God. And, as teaching priests, they instruct their families, passing on the heritage of the Lord.

Regarding the role as teaching priest, we remember that Jesus came as our Teacher. He is also called the Apostle and High Priest of our confession (Heb 3:1). He was faithful in all of God’s house (referring to a household, temple, and family). Jesus in His priesthood was faithful to care for God’s family and teach them His ways (see Heb 3:3–6). And having walked through times of testing, sorrow, and trials, He understands us and is able to help us in times of need (Heb 4:15–16).

Peter calls those who believe in Jesus a holy priesthood (1 Pet 2:5, 9). The book of Revelation says that Jesus has made us to be a kingdom of priests to God (Rev 1:6; 5:10). We take on the heart and nature of Jesus, our great High Priest, to love, teach, and escort out children into the presence of the Lord.

The point of all this is: God is restoring His purpose for families. And, to do this, He is restoring the role of parents as those who create an atmosphere in the home, in the presence of God, to raise and teach their children.

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